Dear class,
Do not worry about the number of slides. I am ok if you exceed the slides limit. The reason for implementing the limit of slides in the first place was because I do not want you all to over-do and spend too much time on the research. Now that you have all came up with the basics on your slides, you may split up certain slides if it is too wordy or lack space for images.
Currently, I only have the PowerPoint from Groups 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9. I have shared the PPT with you on google docs. Please give me some time to look through and leave my comments. Meanwhile, you may choose to improve and work on it.
Group 4 slides are incomplete, I only have a few slides in the thumbdrive given to me. I've shared it nevertheless, you may add in your slides to the google doc.
As for Group 2, I do not see any Project work files in the thumbdrive given to me.
So groups 2 and 5 , please e-mail your PowerPoint to me at
For those unfamiliar with google documents, simply follow the instructions below to work on your Project Work this weekend.
1) Go to MC-Online portal via this link:
2) Scroll down and look out for the "Docs" under "Google Apps" on the navigation bar on the left.
3) You should now have a pop-up window. Click on "Shared with me" to see your group's PowerPoint I would have shared with you.
4) Click on your group's PowerPoint, you should be able to edit your slides and also view my comments.
The file would be named "SS Proj Work - Group ?", and it would be shared by me. Please do not access the file shared by your group mates.
In the event that you have trouble editing, you may wish to upgrade your browser or use Chrome browser to access the website.
Miss Chan