Friday, 29 March 2013

Google Doc

Update: I have left my comments for all groups. I am quite impressed by some of the work done so far! Please continue to work on your project. I will check in again tomorrow (Sat) at night to add on comments to new work done. =) Keep up the great work! 

Dear class,

Do not worry about the number of slides. I am ok if you exceed the slides limit. The reason for implementing the limit of slides in the first place was because I do not want you all to over-do and spend too much time on the research. Now that you have all came up with the basics on your slides, you may split up certain slides if it is too wordy or lack space for images.

Currently, I only have the PowerPoint from Groups 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9. I have shared the PPT with you on google docs. Please give me some time to look through and leave my comments. Meanwhile, you may choose to improve and work on it.

Group 4 slides are incomplete, I only have a few slides in the thumbdrive given to me. I've shared it nevertheless, you may add in your slides to the google doc.

As for Group 2, I do not see any Project work files in the thumbdrive given to me.

So groups 2 and 5 , please e-mail your PowerPoint to me at 

For those unfamiliar with google documents, simply follow the instructions below to work on your Project Work this weekend.

1) Go to MC-Online portal via this link:

2) Scroll down and look out for the "Docs" under "Google Apps" on the navigation bar on the left.

3) You should now have a pop-up window. Click on "Shared with me" to see your group's PowerPoint I would have shared with you.

4) Click on your group's PowerPoint, you should be able to edit your slides and also view my comments.

The file would be named "SS Proj Work - Group ?", and it would be shared by me. Please do not access the file shared by your group mates.

In the event that you have trouble editing, you may wish to upgrade your browser or use Chrome browser to access the website.

Miss Chan

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Happy Birthday Nicholas!

Dear Nicholas, Happy Birthday to you! 

You're not getting older, you're getting better.

Miss Chan

Monday, 25 March 2013

Enrichment resumed

Dear all,

Please note that Enrichment lessons will resume this week, and the timings will be the same as Term 1. I will see you all for Math Enrichment tomorrow.

Miss Chan

Happy Birthday Samantha!

Dear Samantha, Happy Birthday to you! 

Your best years are still ahead of you!

Miss Chan

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Happy Birthday Chloe!

Dear Chloe, Happy Birthday to you! 

May you have all the joy your heart can hold, all the smiles a day can bring, all the blessings a life can unfold.

Miss Chan

Thursday, 21 March 2013


An alphametic is a peculiar type of mathematical puzzle, in which a set of words is written down in the form of an ordinary addition working; and the letters of the alphabet represent a fixed number. 

A simple example:

    B B
+      I
 I  L L

would represent:

      9 9
+       1
   1 0 0

where I = 1, B = 9 and L = 0.


You can try solving this next:

      A A
      A B
+    C A
   A A A

I will release the answer in later blog posts. =)


Want something more challenging? 

Try this famous first modern alphametic, published by the great puzzlist H.E. Dudeney in the July 1924 issue of Strand Magazine.

       S E N D
+    M O R E
  M O N E Y

Can you solve it? There is only one unique solution!

The answer is in the link below, with more information on alphametics if you are interested in finding out more.


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Happy Birthday Lin Min!

Dear Lin Min, Happy Birthday to you! 

May all the wishes and dreams you dream today turn to reality.

Miss Chan

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Start of March Hols

Dear children,

Hope you are all enjoying your holidays~

Here are some links you may find useful for your project work:

For those who are interested in trying the puzzle, you may draw this into your Math Journals or just a piece of paper.

Math puzzle 1:
Fill in the circles and squares with numbers from 1 to 6. Use each number only once. The numbers in the circles are the sums of the numbers in the squares on both sides.

Miss Chan

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Project Work - Additional Slides

Dear Children,

On top of the slides guidelines I've provided for you, I would like you to include 2 more slides:

Slide 9: Member Contributions - Please indicate which member did which particular slide. For example:
Leader: Pupil A
Slide 1-2: Pupil B
Slide 3-4: Pupil A
Slide 5-6: Pupil C
Slide 7-9: Pupil D

Slide 10: Sources of information - Please list the sources you may have got your data or information from, be it a website, or news article (date of article). This is for copyright purposes. 

Please pass on the message to your group mates.

Miss Chan

March Holidays

Dear children,

I hope everyone had fun at the Sports Carnival yesterday! It's really a pity I was not able to join all of you.

I believed you would have received your Math files through the relief teacher on Thursday. Please file neatly in order and let your parents sign on the content page. As Review 1 was with me, we shall file it in Term 2 instead.

There are assignments posted on the MC Online portal for you to do your revision too. However, MC Online portal is down for these 3 days, and will only be up and running on Tuesday, 19 March. Do log in after that.

Enjoy your holidays! I will be posting Math puzzles on the blog from time to time for you to enjoy!

Yours truly,
Miss Chan

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Prefects Investiture

Dear all,

Today was the Prefects Investiture for year 2013. We have many prefects in the class, and it was a really proud moment for all of us to see our prefects receive their badges and tie pins. Some of our prefects are also the Deputy Head Prefect, Assistant Head Prefect, and member of the Prefects Exco.

As prefects, you are a role model for your classmates and schoolmates and you must do your best to uphold the school core values of Sincerity, Charity, Graciousness, Integrity, Self-Discipline and Resilience. I'm very sure all of you are capable of doing that and leading your peers. Keep up the good work!

Please do let me know if you ever feel overwhelmed by your duties and commitments on top of coping with your school work. We can always discuss and work something out. This applies to the rest of the class who are not prefects too.

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Chan

Happy Birthday Keefer!

Dear Keefer, Happy Birthday to you! 

May you continue to become better with each birthday you enjoy.

Ms Chan

Monday, 11 March 2013

P5 Mathematics Game Design Competition

Dear all,

As discussed in class today, here are the details of the competition. 

Form a group of 2-3 members and submit to me a proposal / idea of your game by 1 April 2013

Possible game formats include:
            (a)        Board games (e.g. Chess, Cluedo, Othello)
            (b)       Card games (e.g. Uno, Bridge, Hearts)
            (c)        Models (e.g. Rubik’s cube, Tower of Hanoi)
            (d)       Tile games (e.g. Dominoes)
            (e)        Computer simulations (e.g. Flash applications)
            (f)        Pen-and-paper games (e.g. Sudoku, Nim)

It would be good to include:
- Brief description of the game
- Rules and regulations of the game
- Mathematics concepts involved and how they are applied in the game 

I look forward to seeing your game ideas! 

Ms Chan

Happy Birthday Qi Feng!

Dear Qi Feng, Happy Birthday to you! 

Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest.

Miss Chan

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Project Work

You have been selected as a member of a group to heighten the importance of foreigners' presence in Singapore (from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Indonesia, China, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia) and appreciate their contributions to our cosmopolitan country.

Here are some of the thinking questions that I want you to work on this weekend. I have created a few walls for the discussion questions. Please post your ideas and research with your name.

Understanding why they came -
- Explain why Singapore needs these foreigners.
- List jobs that Singaporeans are unwilling to take up and their reasons.
- Find out the reasons why foreigners want to work in Singapore?

Understanding why it is important and how we can help integrate them -

- Find out why it is vital to integrate foreigners into our society.
- Suggest ways you and your classmates can help foreign pupils/teachers to integrate into our school.

Empathy and Appreciation -

- In what ways have these foreigners contributed to Singapore's success?
- Suggest ways that we can express our appreciation and respect for their contributions to our country.
- Reflect on how you would feel/cope if you have to work/study in their country.

Since you do not have much homework this weekend, use the chance to really work on your Project work, which will take up 40% of your SA1 grade.

Remember, I want the whole class to learn together. So irregardless of your groupings, everyone should post their ideas and opinions so as to learn from one another. Do not worry about repeating each others' ideas. And do not judge your friend's response.  

I've shared my own inputs on the wall as well. Hope that would help to start you off.

Yours truly,
Ms Chan

Friday, 8 March 2013

CA1 Papers

Dear all,

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, it had been a really busy period for me due to the marking and analyzing of examination scripts.

Dear parents,

This weekend you would receive all the CA1 scripts for your checking and to sign for your child. Please remind your child to bring back all subject scripts for finalising of marks on Monday. Thank you.

Ms Chan

Friday, 1 March 2013

English/Science/Math Enrichment Classes Cancelled

Dear all,

Please note that English and Science Enrichment on Monday is cancelled. Do pass the message to your friends.

For Week 9 and 10 of this term, there will be not be English and Science and Mathematics Enrichment on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Miss Chan