Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Happy Birthday Jun Xuan!

Dear Jun Xuan, Happy Birthday to you!

Hoping that your day will be as special as you are!

Miss Chan

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Preparation for SA1 Mathematics

Dear children,

Here are some feedback after marking your math revision paper 2. Overall, the general weaknesses of the class would be the following:

Area of triangle - visualisation of questions, especially when overlapping is involved
Which is why I gave your Review 3 first to do this weekend, please do it well and try to think harder when encountered with challenging questions. Practice makes perfect. Try to view the diagram from different points of view. For example, if you are not able to solve for the shaded part, think of the unshaded parts. Alternatively, you can attempt to try cutting up the diagram to view it differently. 

Fractions - remainder concept
Please read the questions very carefully. Part of the remainder and part of a whole is very different. When doing the branching method, please bear in mind that when you multiply 2 fractions, you are actually cutting up the whole into equal smaller parts (new denominator). Do not be lazy, write notes next to your number statements to guide yourself through the solving process. Tomorrow I will share with the class how to improve on your branching technique.

What you have done well: 
 I notice much lesser mistakes in terms of minor problems such as inconsistently of units and lack of final word statements or units of measurement. You have all improved so much since we first started this year. Keep it up! It would be a shame to lose marks due to carelessness.


I will be returning the paper 2 tomorrow. There will be a round 1 corrections and round 2 corrections.

Round 1: Please attempt the questions again on your own, with a purple pen. I will provide some hints to guide you along. Some of your mistakes are carelessness, or perhaps you could not think of the solution on the spot on that day within the short time frame given. Refrain from asking for help from your tutors or parents. Give it your best shot first.

Round 2: I will be going through ALL questions in detail with you in class after marking your round 1 corrections. If you still am unable to solve the questions, please do your corrections in green pen. If you have done the question in a different method, also jot down my alternative solution in green.


I truly believe that one learns better if they are involved in the problem solving process. Please take responsibility for your own learning and put in your best effort! 

I will also be selecting some questions from CA1 revision paper and CA1 paper which the class did poorly to revise with all of you. Be prepared to work hard the next 2 weeks! =)

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Chan

Friday, 26 April 2013

Examination Schedule Update

Dear parents,

Please note that there will be CL Paper 1 on the 10 May, Friday.

A copy of the updated schedule is given to your child and it is stapled in their diary.

Miss Chan

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Examination Schedule

Dear all,

The Examination schedule with the topics to be tested is given out, please sign and return the acknowledgement form.

For Mathematics, all topics and process thinking skills to be tested have already been taught. You should be ready for your SA1 examination now.
- Whole Numbers (1)
- Whole Numbers (2)
- Fractions (1)
- Fractions (2)
- Area of Triangles
- Ratio
- P1 to 4 topics

Today we had a mock-test practice in the class, and unfortunately there are still quite a few of you who are unable to complete the paper within 50 minutes. Please go back and reflect on how you can improve on your time management for Paper 1. Is it because you spend too long dwelling on some tougher questions? Are you taking too long for your calculations? How can you improve your timing?

Miss Chan

War Memorials in Singapore

Dear all,

We talked about some WW2 War Memorials in Singapore during Social Studies.

Here are some other War Memorial sites you can visit with your parents if you are interested to see the memorials up-close. Directions are provided as well.

Civilian War Memorial

Kranji War Memorial

The Cenotaph

Reflections at Bukit Chandu

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Newspaper collection

Dear all,

Thank you for all your efforts and contribution to the inter-class recycling competition. I think that our class has done very well, and I was really happy to see everyone work together without complaints to bring the newspapers and can tabs to school.

Regardless whether we win or not, I'm impressed by the amount we've collected!

Well done!

We shall continue again after the June Holidays! Let's work hard again for the next recycling competition in Term 4!

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Chan

No Broadbase Programme

Dear all,

Please note that there is NO Broadbase programme for the next 4 weeks due to SA1 oral and written examinations. The programme will resume in Week 9, 22 May.

Miss Chan

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Challenge yourself

Dear children,

I have spoken to you about this quite often lately. I am starting to see a lack of effort in some of your work, and that is really disappointing. As P5 is a year with heavier workload, some of you may find it harder to cope and hence decide to do the bare minimum. That is not the right learning attitude!

You all are very capable in my eyes. Have confidence in your ability and put in more effort to try. Remember our school core value - Resilience! Try even if you fail. Try a variety of ways to solve the same problem. Once you overcome it, enjoy that sense of accomplishment.

It would be more rewarding to solve a sum on your own (even if it is partially correct), than to leave it blank and wait for my answers. You will remember better if you are involved in the problem solving process. 

Work hard! Your SA1 is coming soon, I have high expectations.

The weather is really bad lately, especially with the haze. Please take care of yourself and drink a lot of water. 

Yours Truly,
Miss Chan

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Youth for Environment Day

Dear all,

As mentioned during the talk yesterday, here are some activities lined up for the annual Youth for Environment Day:

Inter-class Recycling Competition
Do continue to bring your newspapers to class, it would be good to bundle them up neatly at home before you bring them to school. Remember the competition is next Tuesday, 23 April.

Our can tabs collection is going well, I have a huge bag of can tabs with me currently. Well done! We shall combine all our efforts and submit it this term.

Plastic Bottles Collection
Everyone must bring at least 3 plastic bottles for recycling next Friday, 26 April. Make sure your bottles are clean, rinsed and dried before bringing it to school. Do remove the bottle cap as well. Your contribution will be part of the guiness world record feat!

Everyone can do your part for the environment!

Miss Chan

Friday, 12 April 2013

International Friendship Day Photos

Dear all,

Do you know, that today is the actual International Friendship Day?

As promised, here are the photos! Sadly it is quite blurred.

Once again, well done Group 3! ^^

To the rest of you, everyone did well too! You are all very independent learners and I can see effort put into all your powerpoint slides and reflection. Some groups faced difficulty working together but this is also a learning point for you. Do remember to take things positively and learn from the experience!

Miss Chan

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Dear Ryan, Happy Birthday to you! 

I hope you have a roaring good time on your special day!

Miss Chan

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

International Friendship Day

Dear all,

Today our school celebrated International Friendship Day. Children and teachers came dressed in costumes from various Asian countries such as Myanmar, Vietnam, India, Japan etc. We also had an engaging and informative presentation by the pupils and teachers.

I am very proud that our very own classmates - Chloe, Wei En, Nicholas, and Rui Min put up a great presentation of their Project Work PowerPoint. They have shown courage, initiative and resilience over these few days while training for this presentation. Well done!

Unfortunately I was unable to take any photos personally as I was seated too far back in the hall with the class. Hopefully I will be able to get a photo of the presentation from other teachers and post them someday.

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Chan

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Primary Mathematics Olympiad Programme (Enrichment)

Dear parents,

Today you will receive a letter with some information on the June Vacation Math Olympiad Programme organised by the Singapore Mathematical Society. This is separate from the current school programme that some of your children are already enrolled in.

If you are interested, you can find out more from http://sms.math.nus.edu.sg/enrichment/enrichment.aspx#primary

Please note that you will have to register online and make your own transport arrangements.

Miss Chan

Monday, 8 April 2013

Broadbase Cycle 2

Dear all,

We have completed Cycle 1 of the broadbase programme. This week, the new programme will start. Our class will be doing "Crosstalk" this time and the arrangement will be the same as previously.

Programme starts at: 12.30pm - 1pm
Lunch: 1pm - 1.30pm
Programme continues from: 1.30pm - 2pm
Venue: 5SD6 classroom.
Schedule: 10/4, 17/4, 22/5, 29/5, 10/7, 24/7, 31/7, 4/9, 18/9

Remember, it starts this Wednesday(10 April). Please alert your parents that you are staying back on Wednesday.

Miss Chan

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Think twice before you speak

Dear children,

At this age and technology, all of you are exposed to a variety of language and media. Some of you may think that it is 'cool' and 'mature' to use certain terms, or even vulgarities, but think again. It is impolite and inappropriate. A true mature person is one who is able to control and watch what he or she says in front of others, and be respectful towards others. I'm quite sure you can express yourself better using other choice of words.

Sometimes we act on impulses, in the fit of anger, and we say things we may not mean. However, the damage will be done once the words leave your mouth. What that may seem like a passing remark or insignificant to you can be hurtful towards others. Remember our class rule #5: Think twice before you act.

Be especially careful when dealing with others. Remember, do not say negative things to others if you know that you will not like others saying the same negative thing to you.

You may not agree, but do think about what I've said.

Yours Truly,
Miss Chan

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Traffic Games

Dear all,

Though it drizzled halfway through the game, on the bright side, you at least got to try it!

I did not manage to get any pictures of you all in action as I was taking my lunch, but I was watching you from where I am. I'm impressed that most of you can really cycle quite well! Though everyone wanted to be a cyclist and motorist, it was unfortunate that we can only select limited numbers. However, pedestrians can also be fun in its way, after all you will get to explore the park with your friends. I was a pedestrian back in my school days (Oh yes, the Road Safety Park has been around for THAT long)

Here are some photos taken during the briefing:

Remember, fun and games aside, the information shared by the police officer that day was very important and useful. Always remember to keep yourself safe and sound, especially to those of you who walks or take the public transport home. I often notice young people who look at their mobile phones or text on it while crossing roads. Please avoid doing that, do not take the green light for granted, you should be alert while crossing the roads.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Chan

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Happy Birthday Dylan!

Dear Dylan, Happy Birthday to you! 

Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.

Miss Chan

Monday, 1 April 2013

Alphametics Hint

Dear children,

As you work on your enrichment puzzles worksheets, some of you may find the famous puzzle a little too challenging to solve. So here are some hints for you:

M can only be equal to 1. Do you know why?

Hint: E = 5, S = 9.

The remaining letters can now be easily solved if you work slowly by adding the thousands together, and solve for the letters in the thousands place, followed by the hundreds place, then the ones place.

You can do it through simple logical thinking if you do not give up!

Miss Chan

Traffic Games

Dear all,

Please be reminded that you are going to the Road Safety Park for the Traffic Games tomorrow (2 April, Tuesday)

Please fill your water bottles before gathering in the hall.

Time of departure: 1.30 p.m.
Time of Return: 5 p.m.

Do come in your P.E. attire and you may prepare a snack (bread, bun or sandwich etc) Please do not bring junk food like potato chips. You may also bring along a small bag to carry your things at the park.

Mrs Baldwin and myself will be accompanying your class there. Always remember to be on your best behaviour, have fun and learn as much as you can about traffic safety!

Yours truly,
Miss Chan