Friday 21 June 2013

Nim Game

Dear children,

Since most of you will be at home these few days due to the haze, now is a good time to start revising and clear up your holiday homework (if you have not already done so!)

Do remember to go to MC Online Portal to finish up the online assignments assigned to you there. Also do work on your Social Studies Project which will take up 30% of your SA2 grade. You are to create a song/jingle/rap/poem related to the NE messages. You do not necessary have to include all 5 at once. If you can do that, that would be great too. 


Here is another famous Mathematical puzzle (some sort of logical thinking game) - Nim Game.
It is a game by 2 players, consisting of 16 matches in 4 rows, and 2 players alternatively pick a certain number of matches from one row. Whoever takes the last match, loses.

Here is an online version, can you beat the computer? Play the Nim Game online

There are many variations to the game, you can play it with other objects too. Maybe when school reopens, you can try this game with your friends during recess! Somewhat like chess, you really need to think ahead of your moves and plan well!

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Chan

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